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Robot Wants It All: Tips and Tricks for Using Cheats


Robot Wants Kitty is an action platformer game made by Mike Hommel of Hamumu Software and sponsored by Max Games. The player takes the role of a robot attempting to obtain the kitty in a supposed alien spaceship. The game consists of one large level, and is structured like a 'metroidvania' game. The player initially starts with no abilities aside from movement, and must search for and obtain power-ups to progress towards their goal.

Robot Wants It All cheat

Welcome to my guide for speedrunning the "All achievements" category. From a new empty save-file, you must get all 52 in-game achievements. (To see how to setup an empty save file, read the category rules) This is not particularly a hard speedrun, because you are allowed to use every mutator or in-game cheat, and that makes the difficulty close to non-existent. However, this is a long speedrun, and will test your patience, resolve, and knowledge of the game.

Turn the invincibility cheat on. From this point, do each run without shooting at all, and only focus on finishing the level while ignoring enemies. You will get the Speedy+Hardcore+Bullseye+Pacifist+Cheater awards, for a total of 125 coins per run.

With all cheats activated, now play in Ice Cream easy map instead. You can infinite-jump straight to the boss, and finish the level in 15-20 seconds, with 155 coins per run. Do 3 runs, which will give you enough money to buy the GDA mutators (Goodies, Deadly, Accelerator).

1) Do a fast run with the Goodies, Hardcore and Deadly mutators. Get an accuracy of 75% or higher but not 100%. (Don't enable the firepower cheat, hit 4 enemies or more, and miss one extra shot on purpose).You will get the awards: Goodies, Death Toll, Nice Shot; as well as the Glass Cannon achievement.

Do a run while blowing all the red blocks in the level (this is possible immediately with the firepower cheat). Pick the secret star at the top-right corner.Besides from that, keep one of the Bad-Robots alive, and use the refractor upgrade to kill it with its own bullet.(You can get the refractor upgrade after beating the Angler boss)

# IntroductionWelcome to my guide for speedrunning the "All achievements" category. From a new empty save-file, you must get all 52 in-game achievements. (To see how to setup an empty save file, read the category rules) This is not particularly a hard speedrun, because you are allowed to use every mutator or in-game cheat, and that makes the difficulty close to non-existent. However, this is a long speedrun, and will test your patience, resolve, and knowledge of the game.# The major achievements categories* Completion achievements: Finish 3 levels for each game mode, as well as "Robot Wants Cat" and "Fishy Wants Robot"* Speedrun achievements: complete the main levels under a certain time limit* Mutator combination achievements: Each game mode has a specific combination of 2 mutators, to be used in one of its levels* Game-mode specific tasks: Each game mode has 2 achievements for tasks that can be obtained in that game-mode only* Buy everything from the shop* Get all the awards (good and bad): Those are the bonuses that you can get at the end of any level, which make you win or lose money* Spell all the 5-letters words in each level (20 words in total)* Learn all enemies data: Must gather 100% data on all enemies in the game, buy killing them after buying the relevant upgrade from the shop* Miscellaneous achievements: Those include getting a x100 combo, keep enemies sneezing for 10 seconds (in Fishy Wants Robot), get 2000 score in Robot Wants Mayhem, get 30000 score in Robot Warps Quickly.# How to prepare for this category* Know in advance the general layout of all the levels, and how to complete them. In-game cheats are allowed, so you can practice each level with invincibility, fire upgrade and infinite jumps.* Know the letters locations in all levels. You are gonna need to spell those letters in every new level.* Know the locations of enemies in each game mode. This is needed for enemy-data farming.* General knowledge of all the awards - how to get them, and the fastest ways to get them. If you missed any award during a speedrun, you want to quickly understand what is missing.* Know the upgrades-shop layout for the early game. You want to avoid purchasing useless stuff that doesn't immediately help you get money.# Things to keep track of during a speedrun* Awards - which of them you have or don't have, and also what awards should be earned in each level. If you missed small awards it's not a big deal, but you don't wanna miss awards that can take minutes to get.* Letters - Make sure you spell the letters on your first playthrough in each new level you play. There is no indication of how many unique words you completed.* Enemies data - keep a mental note on the progress of each enemy per game mode, and focus on killing enemies/bosses you didn't complete yet.* Mutators - which mutators are necessary for each level you play, or for any specific award/achievement you want to get.# Speedrun route: overviewIn general, my route for the speedrun goes as following:* Start the game by grinding money. The goal is to get the 3 main in-game cheats (invincibility, firepower, mobility), and the 3 most important mutators: Goodies, Deadly, Accelerator. (From now on I will refer to them as the GDA build).* With the "Goodies" mutator **always** equipped, do a run of each level once. Spell the letters, get enemies data, get all the relevant achievements/awards in that level, and finish the level fast. * Wrap up - get all the misc achievements you didn't get yet, and earn any missing awards if needed.The general mutators combination you want to play with is the GDA build (Goodies, Deadly, Accelerator):* Goodies mutator enables the letters mini-game in each level, as well as adding orb/combo for awards.* Accelerator mutator makes you faster when you kill enemies. This can speed up movement a lot and cut large times over the course of the run.* Deadly mutator makes you able to kill EVERYTHING in one hit. Also works on bosses. Extremely helpful in game modes which are less combat-friendly, like Puppy, Y or Justice.Replace mutators when needed.# Speedrun route: money grindingThe first and only level you can play is Kitty: Easy Map. This is the main level you will play over and over again at the start of the speedrun, and the majority of money gained will be from awards. All instructions below refer to running this level, unless stated otherwise.The following are the steps for playing through Kitty: Easy Map in the most efficient way. All calculations assume perfect play without missing any awards.## Getting the invincibility cheat* Do 2 runs. You want to complete the level in less than 2 minutes of in-game time, not die, and not miss any shot. This will give you the Speedy+Flawless+Bullseye awards, for a total of 65 coins (after the easy map penalty).* From the shop, buy the Kitty Remix map and the Hardcore Mutator, and equip it. This will replace the Flawless award with the Hardcore award, for a total of 115 coins per run.* Do 1 run* From the shop, buy the Kitty Classic map and the Turbo-Bot skin, and equip it. This will help you finished runs slightly quicker. (You will use the turbo-bot skin for 99% of the game)* Do 7 runs, or until you have at least 755 coins.* From the shop, buy: Puppy Easy map, Puppy Classic map, Puppy Remix map, Puppy history, Chiptunes, and invincibility cheat (top-left corner).Turn the invincibility cheat on. From this point, do each run without shooting at all, and only focus on finishing the level while ignoring enemies. You will get the Speedy+Hardcore+Bullseye+Pacifist+Cheater awards, for a total of 125 coins per run.## Getting the mobility cheat* Do 2 runs* From the shop, buy Ice Cream Easy map, Ice Cream Remix map, and the Madcap mutator. Equip that mutator, this will get you the Madcap+Ultarbot awards, for a total of 155 coins per run.* Do 9 runs, or until you have at least 1350 coins.* From the shop, buy all the relevant upgrades that lead to the mobility cheat (bottom-right corner). Equip that, and you will be able to finish the level much more quickly, by skipping platforming sections and the double-jump upgrade.## Getting the firepower cheat* Do 6 runs, or until you have at least 875 coins.* From the shop, buy all the relevant upgrades that lead to the firepower cheat (bottom-left corner), and equip that.This whole process should take around 25-30 minutes, with a minimum total of 27 runs of the Kitty easy map.## Ice Cream Easy map grindingWith all cheats activated, now play in Ice Cream easy map instead. You can infinite-jump straight to the boss, and finish the level in 15-20 seconds, with 155 coins per run. Do 3 runs, which will give you enough money to buy the GDA mutators (Goodies, Deadly, Accelerator).At this point, you can choose if you want to farm more coins in Ice Cream: Easy, so you can buy everything from the shop right away (requires 3-5 minutes of grinding). Or you can choose to continue to the next part of the speedrun, and gradually get the money you need to buy the rest of the items in the shop. Just make sure you have the relevant mutators at the right time, when you need them later.At this point you should have the awards: Speedy, Flawless, Bullseye, Hardcore, Madcap, Pacifist, Ultrabot, Pumpkineater.# Speedrun route: Kitty levels## Easy mapWe are back on the easy map to do some extra tasks. Remember to kill enemies to collect their data anytime you can.1) Do a fast run with the Goodies, Hardcore and Deadly mutators. Get an accuracy of 75% or higher but not 100%. (Don't enable the firepower cheat, hit 4 enemies or more, and miss one extra shot on purpose).You will get the awards: Goodies, Death Toll, Nice Shot; as well as the Glass Cannon achievement.From now on use the GDA build.2) Do a fast run and die exactly 3 times, to get the Clumsy and Accelerated awards.3) Do a fast run, and die 5+ times to finish the level with the timer between 2:00-4:00, to get the Fast and Embarrassing awards.4) Do a fast run, and die several more times to finish the level with the timer between 4:00-8:00, to get the Not So Fast award.5) Do a long run with the following tasks:- Spell the letters- Kill all enemies- Collect all the time orbs- Finish with less than 25% accuracy- Finish with the timer above 8:00.You will get the awards: Plodding, Spray and Pray, Xenocide, Timed Out, Spelling Champ, Malfunction## Classic mapJust do the level normally. Spell the letters, and make sure to kill Slurg, the boss.You will get the "Splat!" award and the relevant achievement.## Remix mapJust do the level normally. Spell the letters when you can, kill all green enemies to collect their data, and kill Slurg if you have missing data on it. Make sure to not pick up the gun upgrade (it's out of the main path anyway) to get the "True Pacifist" achievement.# Speedrun route: Puppy levels## Easy mapTemporarily replace the Deadly mutator with the Caffeine mutator.Do the level normally, but be sure to not pick any Kitty-Claw upgrades.You will get the "Light Speed" achievement; as well as the "Declawed" and "Caffeinated" awards.## Classic mapThe Deadly mutator only applies to attacks with Kitty, so start by collecting the Kitty-throw upgrade first.Collect the 1st and 2nd keys, then skip to the 9th key. Collect the "sekrit item of wonder" in the bottom-left corner of the stage, and then you will be ready to spell the letters. Kill bosses along the way.You will get the "Happy Now?" achievement.## Remix map1) Do the level normally. Get the Psionic Whistle upgrade to easily kill enemies with Kitty, without having to re-pick her up every time.2) Start another run, but temporarily switch to Safety-Bot costume. Don't pick up the kitty-throw upgrade, and run to a Stalac enemy to have it drop on your head.You will get the "Hard Enough" achievement, and after that you can exit the level from the menu.# Speedrun route: Fishy levelsNote that for those levels, you don't have to focus too hard on getting data from the Jellyfish enemies.You will have plenty of opportunities to farm their data in the "Fishy Wants Robot" mode, later in the speedrun.## Easy map1) Do a run while collecting all 20 Chronox shards (don't forget to spell the letters).You will get the "Space-Time" award.2) Temporarily switch to "Dark" and "Respawn" mutators, and do a fast run to the end.You will get the "Spawning Pools" achievement, and the "Respawn" award.## Classic mapDo a run while blowing all the red blocks in the level (this is possible immediately with the firepower cheat). Pick the secret star at the top-right corner.Besides from that, keep one of the Bad-Robots alive, and use the refractor upgrade to kill it with its own bullet.(You can get the refractor upgrade after beating the Angler boss)Kill all bosses and collect the letters.You will get the "Yay Explosion" and "Back at ya" achievements, and the "Superstar" award.Note: the crystal caverns area is a good place to farm data from snails, as they come back to life after several seconds, and there are plenty of snails around.## Remix map1) Do a regular run, while trying to avoid any of the checkpoints along the level.After spelling the letters, collect the golden key and then die on purpose. If you didn't touch any checkpoint, you will spawn back at the start of the level, and you can reach Fishy immediately.2) This level is a good place to farm data from bats, turrets, and Rhino beetles. You might have to do 1-3 extra fast runs to get all the data you need (you can restart the level from the menu after killing all relevant enemies).If you are still missing data on Jellyfish enemies, you can get it later in "Fishy Wants Robot".# Speedrun route: Ice-Cream levels## Easy map1) Start the run with the "Goodies", "Madcap" and "Infrared" mutators.Spell the letters, and then finish the run.You will get the "Sundae Bloody Sundae" achievement and the "Seeing Red" award.2) Do a fast run by jumping straight to the final boss, but don't pick any time orbs.You will get the "Orbophobia" award.## Classic mapReplace the "Deadly" mutator with the "Respawn" mutator.Pick up ALL the upgrades in the level, and pick the Bananarang upgrade on the way.Spell the letters after getting all upgrades, it will be easier with maxed "jetpack" and "fuel" upgrades.Another side-goal here is to kill at least 200 enemies. You should get it naturally, as long as you kill all bosses, and every regular enemy that crosses your path.You will get the "Top Secret Banana" achievement; as well as the "Mass Slaughter" and "Warbot Unleashed" awards.## Remix map(Remember to replace the "Respawn" mutator back with "Deadly" mutator, before starting this level)The main objective here is to have 1000 sprinkles at once. Bosses drop large amount of sprinkles (especially Nanoswarm), so make sure to collect all of them. But even with all bosses killed, you will still only end up with 500-600 sprinkles; the rest must be slowly farmed from regular enemies.Try to move through the level so that you will not pass often through the same rooms, and that way you will constantly have new enemies to kill.Notes:- The Kitty boss might not give you sprinkles after you defeat her; DO NOT count on that boss for the last sprinkles.- Make absolutely sure to not spend sprinkles by opening sprinkle-gates, or buying the double-jump upgrades.After this nightmare is done, you will have the "Sprinkle Fiend" achievement.# Speedrun route: Y levelsNote: For farming data, make sure to stun every Barrier and Stomper you come across. This can be done fast by dropping a bomb near them, and then shooting it with your blaster.## Easy mapEquip the "Goodies", "Tiny" and "Hyper" mutators before this level.- Collect all 7 Jigmin pieces.- Kill the slugg in the top-right corner, by having your shot bounce on the wall at least 6 times before killing it.You will get the "It Was Supposed To Be Puzzles!" and "Bank Shot" achievements; as well as "Hyper", "A Minor Award" and "Got Jiggy With It" awards.## Classic mapJust do the level normally, and try to farm as much data as you can from Barriers and Stompers you come across. Nothing fancy here.## Remix map1) Do the level normally. This level have enough sluggs and Blastrons to complete their data here.2) Start a new run, but this time equip the Love-Bot costume. The goal here is to stun 7 enemies at once. The Love-Bot has bigger bombs radius and larger stun-time, so it's very useful here.Start by picking up the EMP bomb upgrade, but DO NOT collect the Crawly Bombs upgrade. You can shoot some of the bombs to make them explode earlier.Focus on the top-right area of the level:- Start with putting a bomb near the 2 adjacent stompers- Then put a bomb near the stomper above them- With 1-2 bombs, stun the top 3 barriers (near the crawly bombs upgrade)- Then stun 1-2 barriers/stompers to the left sideIf you do it right, you will get the "Blackout" achievement. Quit the level after it.# Speedrun route: Justice levels## Easy map1) Equip the "Goodies", "Deadly" and "Loot" mutators.Do a run while doing the following tasks:- Spell the letters at the start- Save all 25 Durpoids across the level- Break all the loot crates (that show up because of the Loot mutator)- In the 50-clones fight at the end, don't kill any clones directly. Jump over the lava and wait for them to jump towards you, to lure them to their death.You will get the "Why You Meltin' Yourself" and "Just Greedy" achievements; as well as the "Cashing In", "No Medkits Here" and "Justice For All" awards.2) Remove the "Deadly" mutator, and then start the level again.Go fast to the 50-clones fight, stand in the middle, and wait for the majority of them to spawn and gather near you.Then, continuously jump and slam until you get the "Needless Brutality" achievement.After that you can quit the level from the menu.Equip back the "Accelerator" mutator instead of "Loot".## Classic mapYou can easily finish the level by going straight to Emperor Tronk, and kill him with one hit.So just focus on spelling the letters and killing all bosses for their data.Start by killing the "Horror Beyond Comprehension" enemy, and then picking up the "Uppercut" upgrade, and then die on purpose to spawn at the beginning.## Remix mapLike the previous map, you can easily finish the level by going immediately to Emperor Tronk and kill him with one hit.So just focus on spelling the letters and getting data from enemies.Note that you can't get the "Sonic Mine" data by touching them directly, you must lure them into fire or lasers.A good place to do that is in the ship right above the level spawn point, a bit before the Emperor Tronk room.# Speedrun route: bonus levelsAt this point you should have all the awards, and have the "Decorated Robot" achievement.This guide didn't cover the "Agile", "Mortal Kombo" and "Topping The Charts" awards; but you will most likely get those awards along the speedrun, without paying any attention to them.If you haven't done it already, buy all the remaining items in the shop and get the "Everything Must Go!" achievement.## Robot Wants Cat Just spell the letters, and then finish the level.You will get the "Not Too Easy" achievement.## Fishy Wants RobotIf you haven't got all Jellyfish data from the Fishy levels, now is the time to finish them.The level is a completely random, so there isn't really a way to prepare for it.Find the red bricks wall for the "haxxor" upgrade, find the terminal for the "Sneezing Powder" upgrade, find the Golden Key from one of the seashells.Along the way you should find and spell the letters, and you will get the "Spelling Bee Champ" achievement.After you get the "Sneezing Powder" upgrade, dash through an enemy over and over for 10 seconds, and you will get the "Sneezonal Allergies" achievement.After completing the level you will get the "Return The Favor" achievement.At this point you should have collected all the enemies-data in the game, and have the "Know-It-All" achievement.## Robot Warps QuicklyStart the level with the normal GDA build. The goal is to get 30,000 points for the "Maximum Warp" achievement.Kill every enemy you see, and collect all time orbs (each orb gives 200 points).After getting 30,000 you can quit the level.## Robot Wants MayhemEquip the "Goodies", "Acclerator", "Respawn" mutators.The goal is to get a combo of x100.Move through the level and kill every enemy you see, while also picking up upgrades along the way. The Respawn mutator will make sure all enemies you killed are respawned somewhere in the level. Very soon you will notice the number of enemies rising up quickly, and that will help you get the x100 combo with ease, and get the "M-M-Monster" achievement.Along the way you should also reach 2,000 points, which will give you the "Total Mayhem" achievement.## ConclusionIf you did everything right, those 2 achievements in "Robot Wants Mayhem" will be the last achievements in the game!If you missed any achievement or award, you will have to go back to the relevant mode/level, and get them there.After the speedrun, don't forget to show your progress of 52/52 achievements in the statistics page! This is required for verification.



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